26 Parks to Close for 3 months
1. Arbor Hills Nature Area
2. Argo Nature Area
3. Bandemer Nature Area
4. Barton Nature Area
5. Bird Hills Nature Area
6. Black Pond Woods Nature Area
7. Bluffs Nature Area
8. Braun Nature Area
9. Cedar Bend Nature Area
10. Dhu Varren Woods Nature Area
11. Foxfire South Nature Area
12. Foxfire West Nature Area
13. Furstenberg Nature Area
14. Huron Parkway Nature Area
15. Kuebler Langford Nature Area
16. Leslie Park Golf Course
17. Leslie Woods Nature Area
18. Narrow Gauge Nature Area
19. Oakridge Nature Area
20. Oakwoods Nature Area
21. Olson Park
22. Onder Nature Area
23. Ruthven Nature Area
24. South Pond Nature Area
25. Stapp Nature Area
26. Traver Creek Nature Area
They've published a map of the parks here.
[photo by MissTessmacher on Flickr]