Public Hearing on Ann Arbor Deer Management - Monday, Nov. 14
As per the City's website, there will be a special City Council session on Monday, November 14 at 7 p.m. to hold a public hearing...

Deer carcass found on golf course
[Excerpt and photo by M-Live. Read the full article here.] Residents who live near the Leslie Park Golf Course in Ann Arbor, one of the...

Ann Arbor deer cull controversy becomes election issue in 2nd Ward
(Excerpt from M-Live article) With Ann Arbor officials making plans to hire sharpshooters to kill 100 deer this winter, "stop the shoot"...

Town with more deer than Ann Arbor "not going to buy into a deer culling"
Aerial surveys reveal Hendersonville, Tennessee has about 19.4 deer per square mile. USDA wildlife biologist Blaine Hyde says this number...