Peaceful protest Saturday 12/19 at 1 p.m.
[Photo by M-Live] F.A.A.W.N. (Friends of Ann Arbor Wildlife in Nature) are holding a demonstration against the deer kill and to promote...

Protesters urge City to call off the deer cull
[Excerpt from M-Live article here, Photo by M-Live] "Stop the shoot! Save the deer!" That was the message chanted by protesters outside...

Protest Friday, Oct. 9 5:30-6:30 p.m.
The Global Conservation Group (no affiliation to HSHV) is organizing a peaceful protest of the Ann Arbor deer culls at Ann Arbor City...

Botched ammo and Weeks of protest end Cull in Mt. Lebanon
Mt. Lebanon officials and a contractor scrapped a controversial and ultimately unsuccessful program to kill deer to thin the herd, ending...

We're not the only ones
​ Both the Village and Town of East Hampton, New York was set to conduct a deer cull conducted by sharpshooters, but stopped-- following...